Setting Goals and Taking Action

Dental Consultant Chicago

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How often do you take the time to dream, visualize, and picture in your head what you want your life to be??

Do you carve out time each week to let your creative juices flow?

Have you worked ON and worked OUT what your life’s vision is?

Did you set BHAG (Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals) for yourself?

If you did this, are you checking on them regularly?

If your THOUGHTS aren’t spurring positive ACTION, what RESULTS do you think you’ll get?

Too often, we focus on what we’re NOT getting for results, instead of taking time to celebrate the little “wins” along the way.  

It’s important to acknowledge what’s working.  This helps reinforce our empowering belief system.  

  • THEN that reinforces and supports our positive self-talk.  
  • THAT guides our brains to look for solutions, instead of “problems”.
  • When our brain is searching for solutions, we have a physiological response that motivates us to behave and act in a different (i.e., pro-active or positive) way.
  • Positive actions and behavior yield better RESULTS!
  • Better results act to reinforce a more productive mindset

….and the positive circle goes on and on.

Those little wins can be part of your timeline, to use as “markers” to see if you’re staying on track to reach your goals.  

Many of us dream big.  If you want to transform your dreams into achievable goals, it’s best to be crystal clear about exactly:

  • WHAT you want (and I mean that no detail is too small when you’re picturing this)
  • WHY you want it (try to think about more than short-term and “transactional” reasons)
  • WHEN you want it (do you have a “by when” date?)
  • HOW you’re going to get there (what actions are you willing to take to make this happen?)
  • HOW you’re doing on your journey (did you reverse engineer from your “by-when” date?  Did you set daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly/annual monitors so you can “check-in” before you get too far off track?)
  • WHAT TO DO if you get off course (what changes do you need to make to get yourself “back on track”?)

Here’s the simple formula:

  1. Know your OUTCOME
  2. Know your WHY
  3. Take massive ACTION
  4. Monitor your RESULTS
  5. CHANGE your approach (if you’re not getting the results you desire)

That’s the Ultimate Success Formula. For ANYTHING you want in life.

What are your goals for the rest of 2021? Do you need help visualizing, setting, and planning?  I can help!  Email, call, or text me to see how vision-setting and goal-setting is the first step towards a successful life and dental practice!

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Dental Consultant Chicago IL
Dental Management

Are You Setting the Right Goals?

No matter how effective you are at vision casting, dreams require hard work and strategic planning to become a reality. Highly successful business owners know