Analysis & Game Plan Program

The Get Ahead Starting Point

What You Can Expect From Us:

  • Two 1-hour zoom calls
    • One introductory call where you give me more details about your practice.
    • One review call after I complete your report.
  • Your personal practice analysis and game plan report that covers:
    • Where your practice is now.
    • Where your gaps are.
    • My recommendations on how to close the gaps.
  • Identification of the 1-2 most vital items in each of the “Four Practice Pillars” that require your immediate attention.
  • Suggested action steps to improve your problem areas
  • Your report is yours to keep whether we move forward together or not.
  • 100% discretion and confidentiality.

This is right for you if:

  • You feel like you’re working harder for less money.
  • You know that something is off, but you need help pinpointing what that is.
  • You want your practice to run more efficiently.
  • You want your practice to be more profitable.
  • You are planning to bring on an associate dentist.
  • You are planning to bring on a partner.
  • You are planning to sell your practice within the next 3-5 years.
  • You are thinking about changing your days and/or hours.
  • You are thinking about expanding.
  • You are thinking about changing your location.
  • You are thinking about changing your days and/or hours.
  • You’d like a “low-risk” option to see if we’re a good fit for each other and if coaching
    will work for you.

What We Expect From You:

  • Fill out your questionnaire honestly, and with as much detail as possible.
  • Submit complete and accurate reports within two weeks of our first call.

Your Investment

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Complete Analysis & Game Plan Package
$ 857 One Time